Regardless of the industry, employee safety must stay at the forefront of the minds of those who run the company’s day-to-day operations. If it is not, employees stand a high chance of getting injured, or worse, while at work. Workplace safety must begin with safety signage strategically placed in the appropriate sections of the area.

These signs let all involved know precisely where hazards are and to avoid them. In addition, these signs alert employees where to report if hurt or faced with danger while on site. All in all, they are a vital part of any area under construction.

Why Are Construction Signs Needed?

Like every person who goes to work daily, it is the goal of the construction worker to return home safe and sound each night.

To ensure that level of security occurs, construction area supervisors must vigilantly publicise the proper signs and have them displayed throughout the zone to ensure the safety and well-being of all employees. Therefore, construction site safety signs should be present in a place of prominence throughout the construction area.

Six Different Types of Construction Safety Signs and Their Uses

While the information on some of this construction site signage may seem unnecessary because the warnings displayed should be common sense, that is not a stance that a construction company can take. If injured, in severe pain, or in panic, these signs could be helpful to an employee.

  1. Prohibition Signs – These signs point to prohibited locations. Entering these areas can be hazardous for many reasons, but one sign can alert workers of all of the reasons to avoid the space.
  2. Mandatory Signs – This construction signage tells workers they must wear their gear while in the area. Some mandatory items to be worn in the regions under Mandatory Signs include hard hats, goggles, and reflective vests.  
  3. Danger Signs – Workers regard these signs to know what to look for while working in the construction zone. If a Danger Sign is present, workers know the possible dangers and that they are not to enter the area for any reason unless they have received the training necessary to handle what risks they might encounter there.
  4. Warning Signs – Though some hazards found on these signs are not likely to harm workers, they are warned of their dangers nonetheless.
  5. Emergency Information Signs – If injured on the job, these signs point employees the way to assistance.
  6. Fire Signs – Equipment to extinguish fires will be nearby the location of these signs.

These construction site signage requirements will help to keep everyone working on the site focused on their job rather than wondering where the potential dangers, hazards, and safety stations are while they are at work.

Building Site Signage Is Also Mandatory

Building sites, just like construction zones, require construction signage.These signs should be prominently displayed around the area, quickly identifying risks and places to avoid for safety’s sake. Additionally, building site signs are mandatory for owners to maintain insurance. Without insurance, severe consequences can be faced not only by the owners, but workers could suffer from medical expenses and lost income.

It is common sense that there should be mandatory signage in construction areas and around building sites. These signs protect all workers and any visitors or pedestrians who may come across the area. Without construction signs and building site signs, companies can be liable for injuries caused to their employees while in unsafe, unmarked regions. Construction and building site signage do not just make good sense; Australian laws require them.

How Can Apex Make Your Brand Stand Out?

Aside from offering construction site safety signage services, we do a lot more on the advertising side too.

The construction and development industry forms an integral part of what we offer as a service. From basic building site contact information signage to larger mesh banners, hoarding, building wraps and signs, we have the experience to assist you.

Other signage services include :

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